Rogue Model Management is a company set up by models and industry experienced people to be able to give the most back to models and the companies looking to hire them.
The team behind RMM is built of creatives, models, publishing content providers and marketing people, joined together to be able to offer mentoring and advice to models towards their career objectives; and at the same time be able to offer the right people to the right companies looking for models in whatever field.
How we work FOR the models:
!. We host the model on our site with their page portfolio, showing their images and information that may be needed or want to be seen.
2. We promote that model via all our various media available (website, facebook, twitter, magazines etc)
3. We actively look for clients for modelling purposes in every avenue, (print, photographic, video, advertising, promotional etc)
4. We look to secure placements in any of those areas for the model for paid work or more importantly for experience.
Those are the basics of what we do for the models
How we work FOR the Clients:
1. We look to find you the best model representation we can - we know and understand the importance of getting the right face
2. We look to get you the best personality for the requirements you need
3. We look to work to a price that fits your budget
4. We look to give you the best personable service possible.